Having never fasted before, I arrived at Jiva Healing focused on having a bit of a holiday and thinking if I got some benefits from the fasting along the way, it would be a bonus.
The setting was wonderful and the staff were friendly and inviting. The daily nutrition and sustainability courses created a framework that really supported work that we were doing for ourselves during our week there and in the weeks following the retreat. Between the yoga classes, massage, and other therapies there were plenty of things to do and I found myself looking forward to each following day with more enthusiasm than the one before.
By the end of the week I was well and truly a changed man. From the inside out I had lost weight, and felt both mentally and physically cleaner, lighter, brighter, and more vibrant. My Chiropractor had even witnessed positive changes in my spine and nervous system as a direct result of the fast. Much of what was learned at the retreat I have taken away and integrated into my daily life. I’m now living a much more sustainable, happier, healthier, and energetic lifestyle than I would ever have thought possible before my week at Jiva Healing! I couldn’t recommend a more effective way to kick-start a new outlook on nutrition, health and wellbeing that produces real, sustainable results that can last a lifetime.